Op. Dr. Gültekin Baş

Op. Dr. Gültekin Baş
Randevu Al Poliklinikten hemen randevu alabilirsiniz.

Op. Dr. Gültekin Baş

Beyin Cerrahisi Nöroşirürji Beyin Cerrahisi Nöroşirürji Özel Ümit Hastanesi


Residency Eskisehir Osmangazi University Hospital
May 2019 Eskisehir, Turkey
Doctor of Medicine (MD) College of Medicine, Ataturk University
June 2013 Erzurum, Turkey


Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:
1. BAS GULTEKIN, OZKARA EMRE, OZBEK ZUHTU, NADERI SAIT, ARSLANTAS ALI (2022). Sella Volume and Posterior Fossa Morphometric Measurements in Chiari Type 1. Turkısh Neurosurgery, Doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.40088-22.4 (Publication Number: 8185402)
1. OZBEK ZUHTU, OZKARA EMRE, Onner Hasan,BAS GULTEKIN,Erman Ipek Canan, OZEN HULYA,ENTOK EMRE,ARSLANTAS ALI (2017). Treatment of Unstable Thoracolumbar Fractures: Does FractureLevel Fixation Accelerate the Bone Healing? World Neurosurgery, 107, 362-370., Doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.08.007

2. OZKARA EMRE, BAS GULTEKIN, GOR TUGCE, OZBEK ZUHTU (2023). Surgical Treatment and Epidemiological Data in Spondylodiscitis: Clinical Study. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 2023;43 (4): 333-42. Doi: 10.5336/medsci.2023-99968

Papers presented at conferences and published in proceedings books:


National/international books or chapters in books:
1. TUMORS OF SPINE AND SPINAL, Title of the Section:(SPINAL MENINGIOMAS) (2022)., KİPER GİZEM, BAS GULTEKIN, ARSLANTAŞ ALİ, Turkish Neurosurgery Association Publications, Editör: Ali Dalgıç, Mesut Yılmaz, Şeref Doğan, Ahmet Dağtekin, Ahmet Gürha Gürçay, Onur Yaman, Cumhur Kılınçer, Number of Edition:1, Number of Pages 425, ISBN:978-605-4149-24-7, Turkish(Scientific Book), (Publication No: 8196976)

1. MINIMAL INVASIVE SPINAL SURGERY, Title of the Section:(Unılateral Excısıon For Intradural Or Extradural Spınal Tumors) (2022)., BAS GULTEKIN, ARSLANTAŞ ALI, Turkısh Neurosurgery Assocıatıon Publıcatıons, Editor: Ahmet Gürhan Gürçay, Semih Kıvanç Olguner, Issue number:1, Number of pages 514, ISBN:978-605-4149-25-4, Turkish(Scientific Book), (Publication No: 8196974)

2. MINIMAL INVASIVE SPINAL SURGERY, Section Name:(BIOPSY OF SPINAL TUMORS) (2022)., BAS GULTEKIN, ÖZBEK ZÜHTÜ, BULUŞ Design and Printing Services, Editor:Tunç Öktenoğlu Özkan Ateş Murat Kalaycı Özdemir Mehmet Seçer Ahmet Gürçay Semih Kıvanç Olguner, Issue number:1, Number of pages 498, ISBN:978-605-4149-25-4, Turkish(Scientific Book), (Publication Number: 8186054)

3. Overvıew Of Pedıatrıc Central Nervous System Tumors, From Dıagnosıs To Treatment, Title of the Section:(STEREOTACTIC BIOPSY TECHNIQUE AND INDICATIONS) (2021), BAS GULTEKIN, VURAL MURAT, ORTADOĞU REKLAM TANITTİM. Inc., Editor:CELAL BAĞDATOĞLU, Issue number:1, Number of pages 117, ISBN:978-625-401-504-5, Turkish(Scientific Book), (Publication Number: 8196979)

4. Emergency Stroke Management, Title Of The Section:(Subarachnoıd Bleedıngs) (2020)., ÖZBEK ZÜHTÜ, BAS GULTEKIN Eskısehır Osmangazı Unıversıty Publıcatıons, Editor: Engin Özakın Atilla Özcan Özdemir,Özlem Aykaç, Published: 1, Page Number 309-605, ISBN: -9975-67-4, Turkish (Scientific Book), (Publication No: 6854040)

5. Agıng Spıne, Title of the Section:(Instrumentatıon Complıcatıons In The Elderly Patıent) (2019)., BAS GULTEKIN, ARSLANTAŞ ALI, Publıcatıons Of The Turkısh Neurosurgery Assocıatıon, Editor:Serkan Şimşek, Ali Dalgıç, Mesut Yılmaz, Ahmet Yılmaz, Eda Gürçay, Onur Yaman, Ahmet Gürhan Gürçay, Number of Editions: 1, Number of Pages 615, ISBN: 978-605-4149-21-6, Turkish (Scientific Book), (Publication No: 8196982)

6. Neurosurgery Wıth Its Fundamental Prıncıples, Title of the Section:(BRAIN TUMORS) (2019)., OZKARA EMRE, BAS GULTEKIN,DURMAZ RAMAZAN, Eskısehır Osmangazı Unıversıty Publıcatıons, Editor:Ali Arslantas, Issue number:1, ISBN:75978-605 -0, Turkish(Scientific Book), (Publication No: 5963030)

7. Introductıon To Neurosurgery, Title of the Section:(BRAIN TUMORS) (2016)., ÖZKARA EMRE, BAS GULTEKIN, DURMAZ RAMAZAN, Intertıp, Editor: Alı Arslantas, Published: 1, Turkish(Scientific Book), (Publication No: 3420540)

Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals:
a.1.1. BAS GULTEKIN, VURAL MURAT (2021). Deep Braın Stımulatıon In Tremor- Surgıcal Technıque.Turkısh Journal Of Neurosurgery, 31(3), 321-326. (Control Number: 8196983)
a.1.2. OZBEK ZUHTU, BAS GULTEKIN (2018). Indıcatıons For Surgıcal Treatment And Patıent Selectıon In Cervıcal Dısc Hernıatıon. Türkiye Clinics, 8(2), 36-38. (Control Number: 4743070)

Papers presented at national scientific meetings and published in proceedings books:
1. BAS GULTEKIN, ÖZKARA EMRE, ÖZBEK ZÜHTÜ, VURAL MURAT, ARSLANTAŞ ALI (2022). Lumbar Adjacent Segment Dısease: A Case Report. TND SPSCG 26th Spınal Symposıum (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation)(Publication No:8196963)
2. OZKARA EMRE, BAŞYAZICI GIZEM, BAS GULTEKIN, OZBEK ZUHTU (2022). Holospınal Subdural Abse. TND SPSCG 26th Spınal Symposıum (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation)(Publication No:8196961)
3. BAS GULTEKIN, KİPER GİZEM, ÖZBEK ZÜHTÜ (2022). Fıre-Gun Injurıes. TND SPNSG 26th SPINAL SYMPOSIUM (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation) (Publication No: 8196960)
4. GOR TUĞÇE, BAS GULTEKIN, OZKARA EMRE, OZBEK ZUHTU (2022). A Case Of Lumbar Fracture In A Patıent Wıth Ankylosıng Spondılıtıs. TND SPSCG 26th SPINAL SYMPOSIUM (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation) (Publication No:8196954)
5. TEKIR SALIM, CIFTCI GULBAHAR, BAS GULTEKIN, OZBEK ZUHTU (2022). Pedıatrıc Lumbosacral Spondylolıstesıs: A Case Report. TND SPSCG 26th SPINAL SYMPOSIUM (Full Text Paper/Poster) (Publication No:8196967)
6. BAS GULTEKIN, ÖZKARA EMRE, OZBEK ZUHTU, ARSLANTAS ALI (2022). Untreated Type 2 Odontoıd Fracture: A Case Report. TND SPSCG 26th SPINAL SYMPOSIUM (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation)(Publication No:8196966)
7. KESKIN HUSEYIN OMER, BAS GULTEKIN, ÖZBEK ZÜHTÜ, ARSLANTAŞ ALI (2022). A Case Of Multı-Level Ganglıoglıoma. TND SPSCG 26th SPINAL SYMPOSIUM (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation)(Publication No:8196964)
8. YILMAZ EVRİM, CANAZ FUNDA, ARIK DENİZ, BAS GULTEKIN (2022). Our Cases Of Pılocytıc Astrocytoma: 10 Years Of Experıence Of One Center. 31st National Pathology Congress (Abstract/Poster) (Publication No: 7953370)
9. KIPER GIZEM, BAS GULTEKIN, OZKARA EMRE, ARSLANTAS ALI (2022). Usage Of Frameless Neuronavıgatıon Systems In Posterıal Fossada Wıth Ct And Mr Fusıon. 35th natıonal congress of turkısh neurosurgery assocıatıon, 32 (Full Text Paper/Poster)(Publication No:8230946)
10. BAŞYAZICI GIZEM, BAS GULTEKIN, OZKARA EMRE (2022). Telovelar Approach To 4. Ventrıcle Tumors; Our Experıences. 35th Natıonal Congress Of Turkısh Neurosurgery Assocıatıon, 32 (Full Text Paper/Poster)(Publication No:8230939)
11. KIPER GIZEM, BAS GULTEKIN, ÖZKARA EMRE (2022). Isolated 4th Ventrıcular Lymphoma As A Rare Case. 35th Natıonal Congress Of Turkısh Neurosurgery Assocıatıon, 32 (Full Text Paper/Poster)(Publication No:8230933)
12. Gör Tuğçe, BAS GULTEKIN, OZKARA EMRE, OZBEK ZUHTU (2022). A Case Of Lumbar Fracture In A Patıent Wıth Ankılosan Spondılıtıs. Tnd Spscg 26th Spınal Symposıum Instrumentation and New Technologies in Spinal Surgery (Full Text Paper/Oral Presentation)(Publication No: 8185996)
13. ÖZBEK ZÜHTÜ, ÖZKARA EMRE, BAS GULTEKIN (2017). Persistent Conus Medullaris Syndrome Due to Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm. Turkish Neurosurgery Society, 31st Scientific Congress, 27(Additional issue), 211 (Abstract/Poster)(Publication No:3909672)
14. ÖZKARA EMRE, BAS GULTEKIN, ÖZBEK ZÜHTÜ, ARSLANTAŞ ALI (2015). Traumatic Lumbar Spondyloptosis: Surgical Technique. Spinal Deformities Symposium (Abstract/Poster)(Publication No:4256331)
15. ÖZKARA EMRE, BAS GULTEKIN, ÖZBEK ZÜHTÜ, ARSLANTAŞ ALI (2015). Traumatıc Spondylolıstesıs. Spınal Deformıtıes Symposıum (Full Text Paper/Poster)(Publication No:2312098)
16. BAS GULTEKIN, VURAL MURAT, ÖZBEK ZÜHTÜ, BAŞ DEMET FUNDA, ÖZDEMİR ATİLLA ÖZCAN, ÖZKARA EMRE, ERMAN İPEK, TOPÇU UTKAN (2015). A Case of Progressive Growing Posttraumatic Aneurysm. 29. Turkısh Neurosurgıcal Assocıatıon Scıentıfıc Congress (Publication No:2666384)
17. ÖZKARA EMRE, VURAL MURAT, BAŞ DEMET FUNDA, ÖZDEMİR ATİLLA ÖZCAN, ÖZBEK ZÜHTÜ, ERMAN İPEK, TOPÇU UTKAN, BAS GULTEKIN, ATASOY METİN ANT (2015). Vasospasm and Endovascular Treatment of Rare Complications After Pituitary Surgery: A Case Report. Turkish Neurosurgery Society 29. Scientific Congress (Abstract/Poster)(Publication No:4256369)
18. BAS GULTEKIN, VURAL MURAT, ÖZBEK ZÜHTÜ, BAŞ DEMET FUNDA, ÖZDEMİR ATİLLA ÖZCAN, ÖZKARA EMRE, TOPÇU UTKAN (2014). A case of progressively growing posttraumatic aneurysm. Turkish Neurosurgery Society, 29. Scientific Congress (Abstract/Poster)(Publication No:4256232)
19. BAS GULTEKIN, AYDIN HASAN EMRE, ÖZBEK ZÜHTÜ, ÖZKARA EMRE, VURAL MURAT, ATASOY METİN ANT, ARSLANTAŞ ALI (2014). Contribution of 3D Cerebral Angiography to Surgical Planning in the Diagnosis of Aneurysm. Turkish Neurosurgery Society 28th Scientific Congress (Abstract/Poster)(Publication No:4256353)
20. ÖZBEK ZÜHTÜ, ÖZKARA EMRE, BAS GULTEKIN, TOPCU UTKAN, ERMAN İPEK, ATASOY METİN ANT (2014). Intracranial abscess due to orbital penetrating injury. Turkish Neurosurgery Society 28th Scientific Congress (Abstract/Poster)(Publication No:4256258)
21. BAS GULTEKIN, ÖZKARA EMRE, ÖZBEK ZÜHTÜ (2022). Far Lateral In Cranıovertebral Consequent Lesıons Suboxcıpıtal Approach. 35th Natıonal Congress Of Turkısh Neurosurgery Assocıatıon, 32 (Full Text Paper/Poster)(Publication No:8230925)


Professional Memberships -Turkish Neurosurgical Society
Board Certification: Turkish Neurosurgical Society - 2022
Reviewer: World Neurosurgery Journal(2022- currently)

Uygulanan Tedaviler

Some of expertise areas are spinal disorders such as, degenerative conditions, discal pathologies, deformities, spinal oncologic cases, vascular malformations such as brain aneurysms, neurooncologic pathologies such as gliomas, menengiomas, pituitary adenomas.

Private Umit Hospital
April 2023-Present

Demonstrated expertise in performing intricate spinal surgeries for patients afflicted with diverse neurological conditions.
Spearheaded the development and execution of innovative treatment strategies for cases involving spinal and cranial disorders.
Leveraged state-of-the-art imaging technology to accurately diagnose and effectively treat various neurological ailments.
Maintained a low complication rate of 1,8%, primarily attributed to infections, screw malposition, dural tears, etc. No mortality and severe morbidity.
Cultivated strong collaborative relationships with fellow healthcare professionals to ensure comprehensive patient care.
Proficiently handled a spectrum of neurosurgical cases, including:
- Endoscopic transsphenoidal adenomectomy
-Endoscopic skull base oncologic surgery
-C1(atlas) and C2(axis) vertebrae fractures
-Cervical spondylotic myelopathies
- Cranial tumors
- Posterior cervical surgeries with or without screw replacement
- Anterior odontoid screw placement
- Congenital scoliosis
- Spinal intradural tumors(schwannoma, ependimoma, menengioma, etc.)
- Spondylolisthesis, spondylosis, and degenerative spinal conditions across all spinal regions.
Trap neuropathies (median, ulnar, and peroneal nerves)
Scheurmann kyphosis
Epidural, subdural, intraserebral hematomas, and spontane subarachnoid hemorrhages.

Assistant Professor
Dept of Neurosurgery College of Medicine Eskisehir Osmangazi University
Sept.2020-April 2023

Conducted approximately 1500 neurosurgical procedures annually, covering a wide spectrum of elective and emergency surgeries, serving as either the primary or assisting surgeon depending on call rotation.
Fostered collaborative partnerships with healthcare colleagues, ensuring seamless coordination of patient care.
Specialized in intricate spine and cranial procedures, including but not limited to cervical kyphosis surgery, treatment of spinal and cranial vascular malformations (aneurysms, AVMs, cavernomas), and advanced diagnostic techniques such as 3D diagnostic cerebral angiographies.
Contributed to scientific advancements in neurosurgery through active research initiatives and publication of findings on various neurological conditions.
Provided invaluable mentorship and supervision to medical students and interns, guiding their development in the field of neurosurgery.
Cultivated and sustained strong referral networks with physicians and hospitals to optimize patient outcomes and continuity of care.
Innovative surgical techniques, such as the far lateral approach for lesions in the foramen magnum region, initial placement of iliac screws, and cervical kyphosis surgery, as well as the utilization of spine neuronavigation technology.
Contributed as a peer reviewer for the esteemed World Neurosurgery Journal, evaluating the quality and relevance of scholarly submissions.
Delivered educational courses on specialized topics including trap neuropathies, pituitary tumors, and neurosurgical interventions for central nervous system infections, enriching the knowledge base of aspiring neurosurgeons.

Neurosurgeon Specialist
Erciş State Hospital

Conducted both routine basic and advanced surgeries, including trauma cases and occasional elective procedures.
Required to serve as the sole neurosurgeon on call in a rural town in Eastern Turkey, and conducted surgery with minimal resources

Eskisehir Osmangazi University
Medical School
Department of Neurosurgery
Dec 2013-May 2019

Managing a 2 days out of 7 in an outpatient clinic schedule, while dedicating 4 days of the week to performing surgical procedures, either independently or under supervision. These surgeries encompass a spectrum of basic neurosurgical interventions, including but not limited to microdiscectomies, screw placements, treatment of traumatic or nontraumatic intracranial elective or emergency procedures, as well as intricate procedures involving the skull base and spine. Additionally, proficient in conducting diagnostic 3D cerebral angiography to aid in precise diagnosis and treatment planning. Learned and efficiently used stereotaxic procedures for deep brain stimulation, deep region biopsies and to localize the lesions.



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